Thursday, March 31, 2011

Question time!

I was thinking about it, and how many people here live in cities where "shows" (local-out of state-and sometimes even more world wide band venues) are held? Currently I live in CA and there is always a show going on, well i should say at least 2-3 times a week. How many of you enjoy going to them if at all?


  1. dont know, i just like the big ones, and the soft

  2. i live where they have shows like that, but i never attended one

  3. Where I live there aren't a lot of major bands coming through, but I still get to see a decent live show every once in a while.

  4. I watch criminal minds a lot and their main office is in Quantico, VA. I live in Fairfax VA, and every now and then they have episodes that take place around me. Seeing those damn fairfax police cars on the show makes me rage haha.

  5. haha i live in a college town there are always shows
    +1 follower

  6. I live near a pub where loads of up and coming bands play. You may not have heard of them in the US but bands like Get Cape and Arctic Monkeys once upon a time played there. You also get absolute rubbish there too, but normally worth the £5 to get in.

  7. Living in a college town, there are always a lot of shows going on, but I can't really admit to going to too many of them... haha.

  8. Live in NZ, nothing much goes on here lol.

  9. There's barely anything going on here. Gotta say don't move to Western Australia if you like to go to events and stuff, as barely anything happens.

  10. I live in a secondary city in Canada so we get some shows but not the major ones. Those go to Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal.

  11. I live near Austin, Texas so there's a lot of music events here. The great thing about this place is that it is very open to indie musicians. Great post!

  12. Theres probably 7-12 a year where i live and i go to atleast 2 or 3 every year!

  13. hey, nice blog..
    i'm in Adelaide, South Australia and we recently got Dimmu Borgir (personal fav black metal) and a real good show with Motorhead just a couple of days ago..
    nothing better than some elbow in rib action and sore ears

  14. i live in norfolk va and there are shows occasionaly

  15. Not really any 'shows', more 'gigs'...

    Followed, thanks for uploading

  16. Live in Florence, Italy. Not many shows here, Oasis was the only big band that came often.
    Otherwise it means going to Rome, Milan or Bologna



  17. Live in UK, pretty much boring stuff...but there are some pretty neat concerts in the 02

  18. I live in the Netherlands and here we don't have that many famouw bands. We do have Pinkpop though.

  19. In city I live, there are sometimes shows. Rarely something interesting.

  20. not many shows here where I live +followed

  21. we don't have a lot where i live. :|

  22. lol not me. i live in the middle of nowhere!

    following by the way! get back at me

  23. Some shows here, but I hardly ever go see them. Don't really know why though cos I love music.

  24. I'm going to Coachella in a couple of weeks, so stoked

  25. I'm about 45 mins from Seattle, and there's always something going down there.

  26. I hate going to shows. Too many scenesterfags.

  27. none of these 'shows' in my tiny suburb :\

  28. Maybe 1 per 3 months i think here.

  29. Interesting post! :D following and supporting!

  30. Would be great to be able to attend a good show, but here in Podunk you only have the cricket band at night to listen to.

  31. I like shows.
    btw, great blog, following!

  32. No shows around here as well. It gets kinda boring sometimes...

    Great blog either way, brother!

  33. I also live in CA, near Arco Arena, so I could go see shows if I wanted to. I usually don't though.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Same here liek 2-3 times a week, they come and go.

  36. I live in Mobile, AL. Surprisingly enough, we get some fairly good acts from time to time at a local bar called the Music Box.

  37. I live in the bay area and you can pretty much find live music any night, its great
