Hello fellow blog-monsters,
This week Nick and I are embarking on a brand new adventure...
One we have never dared to venture on before...
Bring it on.
In all seriousness, this is a big deal for us! While Nick is truly the artist in the duo, and I am merely a poor downtrodden writer and musician, I have had to take lead on this particular journey, because...well, I'm female. Nick is doing the "Behind the scenes" work which mainly consists of trying to accomplish my extravagantly not-so-well-thought-out grand ideas. I will now ask him to take a bow.
We are ecstatic about this Art Show and wanted to share it with our blog community.
This is one of the flyers for the Event. If any of you wish to travel to Stockton, California you are more than welcome!
The point of this art show is to show case the female talent in Stockton. Stockton is a very diverse city, full of ruffians and thugs, but also artists, musicians, and well just about everything. There is always some kind of event going on, whether it be an art show or a concert.

These are a couple pieces we worked on together. We plan on putting them in some vintage *too cheap to buy anything new* frames and hoping they take peoples breath away! Hows your breathing?

The first poem is called A Wolf in Cheap Clothing. This poem was one of my more interesting conquests. The point was to mix metaphors until they meant something completely different. You should try it!
The second poem is called Silence. This poem is my criticism on the "hush mentality". This mentality is the one that tells us and everyone else that if we are going through something we cannot share it with anyone else because they would just think we are crazy and never talk to us again. When people are struggling or experiencing real problems like depression, silence is your worst enemy. It is what separates you from the people who love you and want to help you. Ok, I am stepping off my soap box now.
We are also attempting to put some of our very unique and lovely wire wrapped jewelry on display. This is a hobby we literally just picked up a couple weeks ago, Shhhh don't tell anyone. But we realized, Stockton has plenty of people who want to look hipster, but don't know how to execute the steps to get there. This wire wrapped jewelry will have them hip in no time!
There is a not so brief run down of our adventures to come this weekend, and what we have been working on! You (our blogtastic community) are the first to get a sneak peek at what we have been creating.
Thank you for reading! Nick and I hope that you all have an exciting weekend. If you have any journeys of your own coming up, please share in the comments below!
How did this turn out for you guys? Make any $$$$?